Software for Self-Hosted

web2py web2py

Web2py is a free and open-source web application framework written Python. With Web2py, developers can build dynamic applications with ease. The framework ships with "batteries included" for fast multi-threaded web server, SQL database and web-based interface. Web2py also ships with a web-based IDE that can be used to manage your application using your browser. A single instance can also run multiple web applications using different databases. Web2py free of charge under the LGPLv3 License.

Mailpile Mailpile

Mailpile is an effort to reclaim private communication on the Internet. A project to rescue our personal lives from the proprietary cloud and prevent our conversations from being strip-mined for corporate profit and government surveillance. With Mailpile you can take e-mail back and make it yours.

Hasura Hasura

Hasura is a software development tool that lets you build real-time GraphQL APIs for a PostgreSQL database. The software is free and open source, while enterprise features are provided at a cost. Hasura is perfect for building GraphQL powered microservices and 3factor applications.

Scalatra Scalatra

Scalatra is a simple, accessible and free web micro-framework. It combines the power of the JVM with the beauty and brevity of Scala, helping you quickly build high-performance web sites and APIs.

NestJS NestJS

NestJS is a free and open source JavaScript framework for building scalable Node.js web applications. The framework uses modern JavaScript and is built with TypeScript. NestJS is utilizing a multi paradigm model including Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming and Functional Reactive Programming.

Sapper Sapper

Sapper is a free and open source application framework for Svelte. With Sapper developers can build server-side rendered applications that does not compromise on SEO, load times or progressive enhancement. Your Sapper app will handle navigation instantaneously, much like any other SPA.

Seed is a frontend Rust framework for creating fast and reliable web apps with an elm-like architecture. Seed provides all the benefits of Rust and macro based syntax, with a minimal overhead, configuration, and boilerplate. The framework is easy to pickup thanks to the clear documentation which is accessible to developers whether they are familiarity with Rust, or not.

XWiki XWiki

Developed for more than 10 years, XWiki is a long standing project trusted by individuals and high profile corporations. XWiki is a free and open source Wiki software written in Java and released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. XWiki provides a WYSIWYG editing, OpenDocument based document import/export, semantic annotations and tagging, and advanced permissions management fit for enterprise use. The extensible XWiki platform allow you to customaize and improve your Wiki as the content, userbase or usecase grows and evolves.

Kemal Kemal

Kemal is a lightning fast, super simple web framework written in Crystal.

Docker Swarm Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm is a container orcherstration tool based on Docker. With Docker Swarm you can manage multiple containers deployed across multiple host machines. Current versions of Docker includes swarm mode, which allows you to run Docker Engines as swarms. You can manage your Docker Swarm's with the Docker CLI, to create, deploy and manage your Docker Swarm's.