Software for Self-Hosted

Ultimate Affiliate Pro Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro is an all-in-one affiliate marketing solution and platform for WordPress. The plugin allow you to manage your own affiliate program, all the way from signup, tracking and management, to affiliate earning payments.

Jupyter Jupyter

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. The Jupyter Notebook is primarily used in data science for data transformation and cleaning, numerical simulation, statistical modeling and machine learning.

Grafana Grafana

As the world's most popular free and open source technology for visualizing metrics, Graphana makes it easy to create a interactive dashboard for data monitoring. Grafana's designed from the ground-up for analyzing and visualizing metrics such as system CPU, memory, disk and I/O utilization. All metrics provided by connected data sources and applications can be visualized and monitored though charts, graphs, and alerts. You can also extend the core functionality of Graphana through a built-in plug-in system. Popular companies and applications like Uber, Robinhood, Nubank and others trust Graphana and its real-time visualization and monitoring capabilities.

Apache Wicket Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is a free and open-source, Java-based component oriented web application framwork. With Apache Wicket you can quickly create web well structured, component-based web applications. Apache Wicket is used by governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers across the globe.

All in One SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack

All in One SEO Pack is a feature-rich SEO plugin for WordPress-powered websites. It includes all the nesseseties for improving and fixing technical and on-page search engine optimization issues. With All in One SEO Pack, the installation process is as simple as with any other WordPress plugin. It integrates third-party eCommerce plugins such as WooCommerce, making it easy for shop owners to improve their organic ranking. All in One SEO Pack also does most of the tedious tasks automatically for you, like optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines and generating meta tags. In total, the plugin is translated into over 57 languages and is available as a free and premium plugin. As of the latest release, All in One SEO Pack is compatible with PHP7.

Babel Babel

Babel is the next generation free and open-source JavaScript compiler and toolchain. The Babel toolchain is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript to be compatible with older browser versions. Babel can transform syntax, polyfill features that are missing for your targeted environments, perform source code transformations and more.

WP Symposium Pro WP Symposium Pro

WP Symposium Pro is a social network plugin for WordPress. With WP Symposium Pro, WordPress-powered sites can handle user profiles, unlimited forums, groups, private messaging, images, galleries, and integrate with third party services such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and more.


Memcached Memcached

Memcached is a free and open-source in-memory key-value store used for storing small chunks of data objects in dynamic memory. Most commonly, Memcached is used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an data sources needs to be fetched. Rather than querying the database for each unique request, Memcached can be used to store data from common pages in memory and speedup and improve the experience of a web application or website.

Turbolinks Turbolinks

Turbolinks is a JavaScript library that intercepts all clicks on <a href> links to the same domain. When you click an eligible link, Turbolinks prevents the browser from following it. Instead, Turbolinks changes the browser's URL using the History API, requests the new page using XMLHttpRequest, and then renders the HTML response. Allowing you to create dynamic page loading without utilizing SPA architecture.

Amplication Amplication

With Amplication you can instantly generate Node.js Apps with GraphQL and REST APIs. Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps professional Node.js developers develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks.