Free Software
With Chocolatey you can automate and simplify the management of complex Windows environments. Chocolatey is a free and open source package manager and software management tool specifically designed for Windows. People and organizations that use Chocolatey have experienced a massive reduction in effort, improved speed of deployment, while enjoying high reliability, and comprehensive reporting.
Wikipedia is the worlds largest free online encyclopedia. The platform contains content created, edited and currated by volunteers around the world. Wikipedia is managed and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation and the data is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA).
NextGEN Gallery
With NextGEN Gallery people can manage images and display them in a gallery for their WordPress-powered website. NextGEN Gallery is a free and open-source image management plugin specifically built for WordPress. The package has been downloaded over 15 million times and is one of the most saugt after free and open image gallery plugin for WordPress.
Exatorrent is a self-hosted, open-source BitTorrent Client written in Go. It can be run locally or be hosted in Remote Server with good resources to use that Server as SeedBox. It is Single Completely Statically Linked Binary with Zero External Dependencies .
A Mustache-compatible, minimal templating library for JavaScript. With Handlebars.js you build semantic templates effectively and minimize frustration. Handlebars.js compiles templates into JavaScript functions, while making template execution faster than most other template engines available for JavaScript.