Free Software for Node.js
React Hook Form
React Hook Form is a tiny form library without any dependencies. With the library it's simple to create React-based, performant, flexible and extensible forms with proper validation. React Hook Form is built with performance and DX in mind and embraces native form validation with simple integration to various UI libraries. Allowing developers to crete tiny size forms without dependancy, that follows HTML standards for validation. React Hook Form also provides resolvers support for third-party validation libraries like Yup, Zod, Superstruct, Joi or your custom sulotions.
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework and static site generator powered by Node.js. With Hexo, you can quicly build static websites and blogs that generates at an increaible speed. Hexo generates hundreds of files per seconds and quickly builds and push your website to deployment, with a single command. You can have your site up and running in minutes on well known hosts and platforms like GitHub Pages, Heroku, Digital Ocean and other platforms. The framework support all features of GitHub Flavored Markdown and most Octopress plugins by default. Hexo is released free and open-source under the MIT License.
UIkit A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
Build powerful, scalable applications, with minimal overhead and full out-of-the-box functionality with Hapi. It's a free and open-source JavaScript framework for Node.js that is developed for enterprise-grade applications. Companies like Walmart, Brave and Condé Nast build web-services with Hapi and rely on it at scale.
With Wiki.js you can run a blazing fast Wiki built with performance in mind. Wiki.js is an extensible, free and open source Wiki software written in JavaScript. Wiki.js brings a modern approach to documentation and Wiki writing, it provides a simple to use WYSIWYG editor, a Markdown editor and a visual builder to please all types of workflows. All content moderation is also tracked on a Wiki.js-powered site, which means that you can an revert to a previous state or recover a deleted page at any time and get a broad overview of content evolution. Allowing you to visually compare two versions of the same page to see exactly what changed. Wiki.js runs on virtually any platform and is compatible with either PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server or SQLite.
Let's face it, Git is not allways easy to use through the command line, especially if you are working across projects and branches. Ungit was created to solve this problem. Ungit is a free and open-source plaform for managing Git visually. Ungit is self-hosted and runs on any platform that supports Node.js and Git. The software also works well with Git platforms such as GitHub and GitLab.
SvelteKit is a free and open-source framework used to create SSR, Static and Serverless web applications with Svelte. SvelteKit aims to replace Sapper and in the process unify the eco-system and have a single way to start building apps with Svelte. This will simplify on-boarding, and reduce maintenance and support burden for the core developers. SvelteKit fully embraces the serverless paradigm and has support for all the major serverless providers. Under the hood, SvelteKit uses Snowpack in development and compiles and hot reloads your code near instantly, making it an extremely pleasant developer experience.
Snowpack enables frontend developers to enjoy a lightning-fast development experience. It's modern build tool that replaces heavier, more complex bundlers like Webpack or Parcel in your development workflow. Snowpack leverages JavaScript's native module system to increase performance and never builds the same file twice. Allowing you to enjoy a near instant hot module reload and refresh no matter how big your project grows. Snowpack supports JSX, TypeScript, React, Preact, CSS Modules and much more, while also provding an extensive plugin catalog with support for almost any technology in the JavaScript eco-system.
Grunt is an open-source JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. The Grunt ecosystem contains hundred of plugins that can be used to automate just about anything build related. With Grunt, you use the command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a your config file to optimize your development workflow.