Adam Thorp (43)
Formik does not include fancy subscriptions, observables or other magic under the hood. It simply uses plain React state and props which makes the form library really easy to work with. If you are familiar with general web forms and React, picking up Formik should not be a problem.
4 years ago
With NestJS asynchronous provider it's easy to perform asynchronous tasks.
4 years, 1 month ago
Similar to Angular, NestJS uses Dependency Injection which encourage the use of modules. That pushes developers into writing modular and reusable components that can be used for multiple purposes. Which keeps your codebase neat, structured and tidy.
4 years, 1 month ago
Lucky uses the built-in Crystal method for testing specs which allows you to test your application without reaching for third-party packages. You can also test HTML pages and interactivity of your site with LuckyFlow. A browser-based testing library for Lucky that uses headless Chrome, that you can make use of to test your web application similar to real user interactions. This allows you to get hold of bugs and errors not caught by the compiler itself.
4 years, 1 month ago