Craft Cloud

What is Craft Cloud?
Craft CMS as a service.
How much does Craft Cloud cost?
No pricing information available..
What platforms does Craft Cloud support?
Top Craft Cloud Alternatives
Dokku is a free and open-source project that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications. With Dokku developers can setup their own PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) in a matter of minutes. Dokku provides extra plugins which can be used to manage database, and tools needed for your application. If you need to server your application over HTTPS, Dokku got you covered as well, with the help of Let's Encrypts free TLS certificates.
Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) built especially for applications developers. When Heroku first launched in 2007 it was a platform dedicated to deploy and host Ruby applications. Today the offering has broadened and allows developers to launch applications for most languages, frameworks and technologies in a matter of minutes with the help of Heroku Buildpacks. There are currently over 5,400 Heroku Buildpacks in the Heroku Elements Marketplace, that can be used by developers to speed up deployment and saftley host their applications online.
DigitalOcean is a global cloud infrastructure provider with industry-low bandwidth pricing, and with generous quotas and add-on transfer at just $.01/GiB. With DigitalOcean you can run infrastructure near your customers and scale applications that run simultaneously on multiple servers. DigitalOcean is loved by developers and business across the globe, and is currently the third-largest hosting company for web-facing applications.
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Craft Cloud Gallery
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How much does cost?
No pricing information available..
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Top Alternatives
WordPress powers roughly 30% of all web pages online. It's a free and open source CMS designed and developed for self-hosted publishing by Automattic, Inc. The software is written in PHP and utilize either MySQL or MariaDB as a database, and is compatible with most web hosts. Wordpress includes a plugin architecture and a templating system that can be used to extend and customize your website. These are commonly known as WordPress plugins and WordPress themes and make up a whole open source and commercial eco-system where anyone is free to create products for the platform.
Tumblr is a an easy to use microblogging site and social network first released in 2007. On Tumblr, people can share stories via blogs and other media such as photos, GIFs, links and third party platform embeds such as Spotify playlist and tracks. All users of Tumblr can follow each other to get up-to-date content from the creators you live. There is also private publishing features which allow you to share your stories only to a select group or community. Over 500 milion people use Tumblr to share contet on the web for free.
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